Dump the "Perfect body" obsession and adore yourself

Happiness isn’t a size. And I dissipated many years believing it was. I deserve that mental freedom of being self – reliant.

So to everyone reading this : I hope you get your liberty too, because self – hatred could never be healthy, no matter how sublime it looks….

This is for those who have been judged by people once in a while for their body shape… And might have received various suggestions by crooks that how you should or shouldn’t look. And have literally starved while dieting in order to get a perfect shape to impress this never going to be pleased society.

I myself had been unceasingly hurled with various nasty body shaming comments.

Oh my god, you look so much weaker to me. Why you being so skinny?

Excuse me, being skinny or being fat is apparently not in my reign. And “you looked so much sensible to me before you equated health with weight and forgot that mental health is health too.” But Oh yeah, how could you understand mental health when you’re busy being retard and asking people why are you so skinny? Then I’d love to have an honor to ask why you look like a plump?

So you just decided to ruin your body?

Yeah i just stopped torturing myself everyday for not fitting an image that you like to see and i never supposed to be.

I’ve dealt with body shaming for a good part of my life, and still I’m a victim of it. I know the sloppy aftermath of these so called lame jokes. I’ve learned if you’re skinny enough or you’re not skinny enough, they’ll say something about it.

So isn’t it better to be in your own skin and adore yourself? 

And unfortunately Body shaming doesn’t spare anyone. It is like that nagging girlfriend who won’t let you breathe composedly. Whether you’re a celeb in the limelight, or going to be a new mom, no one is immune from malicious comments. Whether you’re too fleshy, too lean or too much pregnant….

Girls solely don’t just decide to hate their bodies, society teaches them to.

Being fat, skinny and not coming under the category of that “desired girl” is not a worst thing human being can be. I guess there are much worse things like being racist, vindictive, venomous, shallow, vain, evil or boring as fuck….

And we should now practice acceptance (at least in case where we have to accept our own self)

It hardly matters how world comprehends or behold you. What matter is how you see yourself.

If you’ll undervalue yourself, than the world is so fucked up to make you believe that you’re the worst and will drag you down. 

In order to get relief from own insecurities people aim them at others in order to be on safer side and assume that they are the coolest. As society finds it humorous to degrade a woman’s body. I’ve seen a drift these days on social media where people tag their friends on memes of Nigerian (dark complexion, overweight girls). Unacquainted of the fact that someone in their friend list might have akin skin complexion or body structure. Such memes make them loathe themselves, while others find it humorous.

But lemme ask, How is this even funny?

People has to go through low self – assurance and social uneasiness because they have been body doomed by their friends and family.

But trolls being trolls, I know that it will take a lot more venture to comprehensively stop these memes appearing in our news feed. We’ve been accustomed to think that fair skin, 36-28-36 is all that needs to be perfect. And this deep – seated bias is so firm that unequivocally cosmetic companies are now able to make crores out of it.

Body shaming is an issue that will not be solved unless everyone learns how to accept and cherish their own body, and until magazines quit perpetuating this myth of a perfect body. Everyone is born beautiful and unique and should embrace themselves accordingly.
